An integral part of the culture of Bouygues Construction has always involved employing people who are not involved in the professional sector, and giving work to local businesses. The Group and its subsidiaries are mindful of the stand-out factor of being so close to the land being developed, and the Group has always involved itself in the local network both by supporting employment, and through economic activity.

This commitment is at the service of the growth of Bouygues Construction and the land under development, leading to a broadening of the scope of recruitment, and to job creation.  In addition, local economic energy is supported as supply industries are built up.

Working towards employability means supporting those experiencing difficulties towards returning to long-term employment in the areas where the Group operates. This initiative is implemented both on the building sites and at the Group’s permanent sites and branches. In addition, large-scale projects are a great opportunity to provide training programmes that can lead to long-term employability.

Sustainable Employability: Bouygues Construction’s Ambition and Performance
  • 100% of Bouygues Construction projects lead to at least one hire, and this includes hiring people entering the workforce for the first time or who have been out of work long-term. 
  • Local purchases are strongly recommended, and account for around 90% of global purchase spending. 
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The extension of the Parisian metro’s line 14 was a good opportunity to put together training dedicated to the job of tunnel-operator. This first education session was undertaken in partnership with the Gustave Eiffel partnership, and resulted in six permanent contracts being agreed in a very sought-after career.


Bouygues Construction Purchasing shares its best practice through the use of employment assistance centres (‘ESATs’), handicap-adapted businesses (‘EAs’) and independent handicapped workers through HandiREX. The files set out a description of the services or goods purchased, their added value and the key contact information.


In 2018, a dozen refugees benefited from the ‘HOPE’ organisation [‘Hébergement Orientation Parcours vers l’Emploi’ – ‘Accommodation Orientation Pathway to Employment’] in partnership with the French professional training for adults agency AFPA. They were trained to be formworkers, and at the end of the programme several of them were hired by Bouygues Construction.


In partnership with a range of organisations including Le réseau pour l’égalité des chances [‘Equal Opportunities Network’], the Institut de l’Engagement that manages voluntary initiatives and FACE (‘Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion’ – ‘Foundation for Acting against Exclusion’), Bouygues Construction employees support young people in their career choices. A range of workshops are run throughout the year including interview practices, career exploration and CV writing.


Bouygues Construction works closely with Employers’ Groups for Work Integration and Training, known as GEIQs. These groups organise training pathway sessions for young people who might be excluded from the workplace, and they provide a motivating, safe place for these young people. This includes applicant selection, setting up training, one-to-one monitoring and social or welfare assistance.


Launched in 2017 by Bouygues Construction Purchasing in association with the Chamber of Commerce of Lyon Métropole and the research centre Thésame, the Peak-Innovation-PME programme supports SME partners of Bouygues Construction through three programmes subsidised by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region: marketing, strategy, and innovation management.


In the Philippines, VSL joined the Youth Inclusion Network of businesses committed to integrating disadvantaged youths to combat exclusion. The business is an active member of the network, and is involved in the NGO’s governance. The organisation welcomes, among others, these young adults into integration placements and offers them career opportunities during their job search.