Bouygues Construction confirms health and safety as its priority by adopting 12 "basic rules" to be applied on all his construction sites around the world. Target: "Zero accidents"

Bouygues Construction’s top priority is the health and safety of the teams who work on its construction sites.
Aware of its responsibility, Bouygues Construction has decided to go one step further, introducing a standard based on 12 basic rules applied on all construction sites in all 80 countries where the Group is active.
To mark its strong commitment, the Group is interrupting work today while it carries out an operation on an unparalleled scale: the World Health & Safety Day. Virtually all its construction sites will down tools for half a day so that employees and the personnel of partner companies – some 100,000 people in all – can be reminded of the Group’s health & safety priority and its drive to achieve “zero accidents”.
Philippe Bonnave, Chairman and Chief Executive of Bouygues Construction, explains: “Our most precious asset is the men and women who work on our construction sites. We want to provide them with the best working conditions throughout the world. Whether a site is in Morocco, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Paris or Bordeaux, we have to ensure the best tools, the best standards, the best quality. Thanks to our longstanding commitment to safety, we have reduced the frequency with which accidents occur, but we can go still further. There is no inevitability, everyone has to realise that they are concerned by safety. It’s a basic rule for the entire Group. More than ever, our ambition is to achieve ‘zero accidents’.”
Health & safety, the number one priority for Bouygues Construction
Thanks to its proactive health & safety policy, Bouygues Construction is able post safety results that are among the best in the industry: the frequency rate* of accidents is 3.6 and the severity rate for occupational accidents** is 0.18.
“We Love Life, We Protect It” – a campaign that will make an impact
100,000 people work on the Group’s production sites each day, and it is essential to prevent risks of accidents for all personnel. “We Love Life, We Protect It” is an international campaign that reflects our commitment to a strong and shared safety culture. Intended to illustrate the basic health & safety rules by establishing parallels between professional and personal situations, it will be rolled out in all the Group’s construction sites, in France and in all our international locations, over the next twelve months.
The World Health & Safety Day will make individuals more aware and more accountable
The inaugural World Health & Safety day will be marked by events on each of the Group’s construction sites with the aim of spreading our shared determination to achieve “zero accidents”: presentations, video message from Philippe Bonnave, symbolic actions, sharing of results, risk-hunting, workshops on topics such as combating addiction, driving, working at height, etc.